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Thursday, June 10, 2010


A shiny new blog! I discovered in my not so distant past I was contemplating changing several things and one of those is how I utilize my blog. A victim of the long winded desire to story tell made my blog impossible to keep up with and before I knew it I was overrun with entries which would never get posted due to the lack of time. So here I start anew with a different approach.

I recently found myself drawn to a photography project called 365 which is just as it sounds, a photo per day. Through this project I have been taking photos since January 1st and discovered alot about myself. I feel I see things differently as well and I want to share things differently. I like living my life in photos. When I first began the project I feared running out of subject matter but the reality is I live a very loud and brightly colored life rich with projects and fun. I want to share not just my photography which is taken with my very simple Canon Power Shot SD600 or my Palm Centro cell phone when I forget my camera at home, but I want to share my projects, crafting, cooking and adventures. Luckily I have become more skilled at remembering my camera since it means better quality viewing for you the reader.

I look forward to sharing the fruits of my photography project.

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