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Monday, June 13, 2011

Project 365: June 6th through June 12th

June 6th: One of the many reasons I love my work place - we celebrate diversity...

June 7th: Grocery shopping...exciting I know...but this is typical: Monterey chicken seasoning, Jello, celery, broccoli in large quantities (for us and the chickens), squash, mushrooms, English cucumber, Parmessan, Lighthouse Dill Feta dressing, Lighthouse oil and vinegar dressing, Herb salad mix (which I always add to a red leaf and green leaf combined with more hard greens - I loooove my lettuces), and right by my SOLV Clean Rivers reusable grocery bag is a package of shrimps and snapper.

June 8th: Everyone gets confused coming and going at the crisis line due to the doors so they have added funny signs...I personally still pull the push door every Wednesday and probably always will.

June 9th: Macha stops to smell the roses. The first cuttings from the rose bushes. The dark purple is Ebb Tide and the peach is Arizona Grandiflora - two of my personal favorite rose varieties.

June 10th: I could not resist picking up a clearance hose guide at Target since when they brought these out in the Spring I was all sorts of drooling over them.

June 10th: Macha likes posing on the new hutch. She does it well...

June 11th: BBQ! The weather was gorgeous and Michele and Greg brought over this watermellon salad which was fancy and enhanced with mint (from my yard!) and feta. The BBQ was to greet Ms Sarah visiting from Arizona, her friend Jeremy visiting from Utah and, as it turned out, our friends Jessica and Henric visiting from Northern California!

June 12th: The Home Depot with Ms Jen...where I somehow made it out for under $40... I had a coupon for buy two perrenials get the third free (hay $6 is awesome!). I also bought some chain for a project and some stove spray paint to touch up my fireplace.

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